Why this Is Happening
This is often the result of a well-meaning security component that is blocking your SurveyGold application from accessing the Internet. This situation can also happen when your computer is not connected to the Internet.
How To Remedy This Situation
If Your Computer Is Connected To the Internet:
If this is occurring when your computer is connected to the Internet and you are able to access the Internet via your web browser application without issue, then you can resolve by adjusting your Internet settings. Step-by-step guidance for resolving this issue is available via a knowledge base article. For further assistance, contact us. |
If Your Computer Is Not Connected To the Internet:
If this is occurring when your computer is not connected to the Internet, then try again later when your computer is reconnected to the Internet.
If this is occurring when your computer is not connected to the Internet, then try again later when your computer is reconnected to the Internet.